Stable Diffusion model comparison – Image #2

This is a simple Stable Diffusion model comparison page that tries to visualize the outcome of different models applied to the same prompt and settings. Keep in mind that some adjustments to the prompt have been made and are necessary to make certain models work. May it be through trigger words, or prompt adjustments between different styles (e.g. photorealistic / anime / painting etc.). Adjustments to the sampling method / CFG scale have also been made when needed, or suggested by the model author.

Nevertheless, the adjustments to the prompt and settings are the bare minimum. So visually these examples might not be the best to represent the capabilities of a model, as no prompt finetuning has been made. But it still delivers in showing the difference a model can make and the unique look and feel they offer. Any changes made will be shown once a model is selected that required adjustments. All Stable Diffusion models used in this comparison can be downloaded at – some of them are NSFW and explicit, so beware.

All of the images have been generated via AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion Web UI. There’s also a Reddit Post – if you have any suggestions, or ideas! As of now this comparison contains 206 different models.

Comparison Image 2 – Changelog for new models

23.05.17Avalon TRUvision v3, BreakDro, Counterfeit v3, DimensionTwist Terumode, majicMix Horror, majicMix Lux, majicMix Sombre, OccidentalMix, Perfect World v3, PiroxiumRealism, revAnimated v1.2.2, Shonin Photoreal, Store Bought Gyoza
23.05.09Consistent Colorful v1.03, ICBINP – „I Can’t Believe It’s Not Photography“, Macarolus Diffusion (SD 2.1 Hires), MoonMix Reality, Odyssey, Oxigien 2 Pro v3 Epic (SD 2.1 Hires), Pirsus Epic Realism, RembRemix
23.04.25Edge of Realism v2, ProGenUberAnalogMix, Providence v2.1, rmadaMerge SD 2.1 768px
23.03.30AbyssOrangeMix3 (AOM3), epiCRealism v1, Gloomsday v1
23.03.27Alien-Pdalns RichStyle 2.1, aatrok, Disco Diffusion Style, DMMID Style, Giovanni Battista Piranesi 1700s, Level4, Oil painting v1, Providence v1, Realism Engine 1, SeekArt.MEGA, Surreality v1, SurrealSteampunkAI
23.03.04526mix v1.1, Chefskiss v1, Darking v1, Digital Offset v0.1, Faetastic, Fidelity v1, Heir to the Throne, pxl8 v1.0, SNVHS v1,
23.02.26ColorfulSurrealismAI, D69UB-Pro-DF, Fking Civitai, Jian Guo / Breath Art, Hans «Rüdi» Giger style, JIM DUCTMODE, JIM JORCRAF, JIM TERUMODE, Packet’s Abyss v1, StablyDiffused’s Magnum Opus, The Ally’s Mix III: Revolutions
23.02.21JIM EIDOMODE v1, Never ending dream v1, The great fault v1, Unvail AI 3DKX v2, Verisimilitude v1
23.02.18Avatar Style v1, Civil War Style v1, LOFI v1 (baked), RealScifi v1, Rotting Zombies v1
23.02.14A to Zovya RPG Artist’s Tools SD2.1 768px, Creepy Diffusion v2, Illuminati Diffusion v1
23.02.13Analog Madness v1.1, epi_hyperphotogodess v1, Fred Herzog Photography v1, Movie Diffusion v1.2, Photography and Landscape v1, Refined v1, RetroMix v1, RL144
23.02.11Adobi’s Real Flexible Mix [aah!] v1, Comically Part Deux v1, Desolate v1, Dungeons and Diffusion v3, Emo Goth Core v1, Fking Sci-fi v2 SD2.1, Jak’s Voxel-ish Image Pack v1.2, Jak’s Woolitize Image Pack SD2.1 768px, Marvellous Comics v1, MoDEL 2 v1, New Horror Fantasy Style v2, WyvernMix v1, WyvernMix v2
23.02.06Babes v1.1, Duchaiten Dreamworld v1.3, Forest of Temptation – 19th Century Addon, Refutedmix v1, RPG v4, van Gogh Diffusion v1
23.02.05Airsmix A. Airsmix R, Digital Vivid Memoires v1, Dreamsynthrup v1, Lomo Diffusion v1, Onemix R, Protogen v2.2 (Anime), Protogen x5.3 (Photorealism), Protogen x7.4 (Eclipse), Protogen x8 (Nova), Protogen x8.6 (Infinity)
23.02.04AloeVera’s – SimpMaker 3K v1, Chillout Mix v1, Deliberate v1, Duskfalls Punked out hair dye v1, Flonix MJ Style v1, FruitMix v1, HARDBlend v1, Jaded v2r1, Latex Diffusion v2, Magifactory T-Shirt v1, Maple Syrup v1, PRMJ v1, RealisticVision v1.3 (VAE included), REV v3, RFKTR Darkdream, RinaMix2, XShaper MIx v1, Special Mix v1, Unknown v1
23.02.02Duskfall Manga Aesthetics v1.5, Jasgh Phrasm – Inky stylized drawings v1.1, DGSpitzer Art Diffusion v1
23.02.01BerryHD v1, Dvmech v1, DucHaiten Animated v5, Vibrant Grotesque v1, VinteNation v1
23.01.31Divinity v1, Experience 6, MoDEL 1 v2, TenPassion v1, Project Photo Beta 20, CharHelper sd 2.x 768 v4, VinteVivid v1, spop style v1, Duskfall Slime v1
23.01.30 Ayonimix v3, Good Asian Girl Face v1, Forest of Temptation v1, Duskfall Project Virtual v1, Duskfall Project Ultra 3D v1

Model comparison – Image 2

This comparison includes fewer models as the first because I didn’t include those that always generated a portrait. Didn’t make much sense to me on a prompt like this.

Model 1

👆 Select Model

Model 2

👆 Select Model

Original prompt and settings

Checkpoint:Stable Diffusion 1.5 pruned
Prompt:a ivory colored tower with golden ornaments and black windows, gothic style, snowy forest, torches leading the path, detailed, intricate, dark and moody, gloomy, back lighting, radiant light, hazy, foggy
Sampling Method:Euler a
Sampling Steps:50
Face Restoration:none
Hires. fixdisabled
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